Hong Kong Buses Wiki

The Shum Wan Road Public Transport Terminus (深灣道公共交通總站, Citybus Location Code SWA)[1][2][Remark 1] is located on the ground floor of Broadview Court, No. 11 Shum Wan Road, Shum Wan, Southern District, Hong Kong Island. It belongs to Aberdeen Inland Lot No. 435. It adopts a parallel platform design.

AMS Public Transport Holdings adopted "Shum Wan (Broadview Court)" as the name of the terminus due to historical factors, while Citybus translated the English name of this station as "Sham Wan”, which is different from the official name.


Shum Wan is located to the south of Wong Chuk Hang and across the harbour from the eastern part of Ap Lei Chau. It has always been sparsely populated, with mainly Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats in South Wave Court (南濤閣) and adjacent private residential buildings, as well as yacht clubs, shipyards, temporary industrial areas, and so on. In terms of transport services, before the millennium, only Hong Kong Island GMB Route 59 had a special holiday service, and a new all-day special short-working service (i.e. Route59A) was introduced to run to and from Sham Wan Ferry Pier, where visitors could take a barge to the Aberdeen Jumbo Floating Restaurant. The Citybus Ocean Park Route 629 to and from Tai Shue Wan travels via Shum Wan Road without any intermediate stops.

The public transport terminus on the ground floor of Broadview Court, a PSPS development fronting the The Aberdeen Marina Club and the Aberdeen Boat Club and backed by Nam Long Shan, was opened on 25 January[1], with Citybus Route 97A and GMB Routes 29, 59 and 59A being the first to enter the terminus on 27 January. On the following day, Citybus introduced Route 71P, special trips on Routes 48 and 72A, and special trips on NWFB Route 78, all of which ran only a few trips during the morning peak hours.

At that time, the population of Sham Wan was much smaller than that of Estate Bus Terminus, so the bus company did not extend the inter-district routes to Sham Wan immediately to avoid affecting the residents of Wong Chuk Hang Estate. Outside the service hours of the 72A special departure, passengers had to rely on the free Octopus interchange concessions between Route 97A and Routes 48/71/72A/75 to take 97A to Wong Chuk Hang Terminus, which was only a few minutes away, and then interchanged with other bus routes to various districts on Hong Kong Island[3]. However, this arrangement was not welcomed by the residents of Broadview Court, who complained a few months after they moved into their new homes about the serious situation of lost trips on Route 97A, where they often had to wait for nearly half an hour before they could board a bus, and then had to wait for more than 10 minutes for another route after arriving at the Wong Chuk Hang Terminus, and criticised that the interchange measures and transport arrangements were impractical[4]. Half a year later, Citybus finally arranged for the relocation of the Southern District terminus of Route 72A to Sham Wan on 29 July to improve the external traffic of Broadview Court.

While the number of households in Sham Wan was increasing and the deadline for the redevelopment of Wong Chuk Hang Estate was approaching, the population of the estate was decreasing, but the bus service still focused on Wong Chuk Hang Estate, which has aroused the strong dissatisfaction of the residents of Sham Wan. After repeated efforts, all bus routes, except Routes 4, 71 and 78, have been relocated from Wong Chuk Hang Terminus to this terminus.

Route Information[]

Terminating routes[]

Franchised buses[]

List of Franchised Bus Routes terminating at Sham Wan
Operator Route No. Origin Destination Service Type
Citybus 40P
Special Trips
Sham Wan Robinson Road
Service during AM peak hours on school days
Citybus 48 Sham Wan[Remark 2] Wah Fu (North)
Service daily
Citybus 48
Special Trips
Sham Wan Wah Fu (North)
Service Saturdays during peak hours, holidays during daytime non-peak hours
Citybus 71P Sham Wan Central Ferry Piers
Service Mondays to Saturdays during Morning Peak Hours
Citybus 72A Sham Wan Causeway Bay (Moreton Terrace) Service daily
Citybus 73P Sham Wan Cyberport
Service during AM peak hours on school days
Citybus 75 Sham Wan Central (Exchange Square) Outbound service Mondays to Fridays during Morning Peak Hours
Central (Exchange Square) Sham Wan Inbound service Mondays to Fridays during Afternoon Peak Hours
Citybus A17 Sham Wan Airport Outbound service daily
Airport Sham Wan Inbound service daily after Morning Peak Hours

Green Minibus (GMB)[]

List of Green Minibus (GMB) Routes terminating at Shum Wan (Broadview Court)
Operator Route No. Origin Destination Service Type
Template:HKGMB 29 doesn't exist!
Template:HKGMB 59 doesn't exist!
Sunning Transportation 59A Shum Wan (Broadview Court) Aberdeen (Tung Sing Road) Service daily 24 hours
Sunning Transportation 59B Aberdeen (Tung Sing Road) (Circular point here) Service Mondays to Saturdays during daytime non-peak hours
Aberdeen Maxicab Service Company N4X Causeway Bay (SOGO) (Circular point here) Service daily overnight

Intermediate stop routes[]

Icon SpecialArrangement
Some (or all) route(s) using this stop observe(s) here for both directions.
Passengers should pay attention to the destination(s) shown on stop sign(s), bus shelter(s) or queuing instruction(s) as well as the route plate(s) of the buses when waiting, or check the destinations of the bus(es) clearly with the bus captain(s) before boarding the bus(es) before paying the fare(s), so as to avoid inadvertently boarding the bus(es) for the trip(s) in the opposite direction.

Franchised buses[]

List of Franchised Bus Routes observing "Sham Wan" stop
Operator Route No. Origin Destination Service Type
Citybus 48
Special Trips
Ocean Park Wah Fu (North) Service Saturdays during peak hours, holidays during daytime non-peak hours, observes this stop in both directions
Wah Fu (North) Ocean Park
Citybus 973
Special Trips
Stanley Market Tsim Sha Tsui (Mody Road)
Service Mondays to Fridays during Morning Peak Hours

Green Minibus (GMB)[]

List of Green Minibus (GMB) Routes observing Shum Wan (Broadview Court) Minibus Terminus
Operator Route No. Origin Destination Service Type
Sunning Transportation 59S Ocean Park (Water Park) Aberdeen (Tung Sing Road) Inbound Saturdays and holidays during Afternoon Peak Hours, observed in one direction only

Routes previously using this stop[]

List of Bus Routes once terminating at Sham Wan
Operator Route No. Destination at that time Terminus changed to Date no longer using this terminus
Special departure
Wah Kwai Estate Special departures discontinued 1 December 2003
NWFB 78P Wah Kwai Estate Route discontinued 17 August 2009
Citybus 97A Tung Hing House Lei Tung Estate/Ap Lei Chau Main Street Route discontinued 30 August 2021
Citybus 973P Tsim Sha Tsui (Mody Road) Route discontinued 15 July 2017

Terminus layout and facilities[]

The Shum Wan Road Public Transport Terminus (PTT) is located on the ground floor of the podium of Broadview Court. Off Shum Wan Road is a curved shape-road, with buses entering the terminus through the northern entrance and exiting through the southern exit in a counter-clockwise direction.

The terminus has the following facilities, and the detailed locations can refer to the following list:

  • Urban Taxi Stand
  • 3 lay-bys for franchised bus parkings with waiting platforms
  • 1 lay-by for green minibus (GMB) parking with waiting platform
  • Citybus terminus supervisor's kiosk and staff rest room (comprising one of each), located at Route 48 platform, which is loctaed beside the residents' entrance of Broadview Court and Shum Wan Road Public Toilet.

Please note that the stop may be temporarily or permanently altered at any time due to other factors (e.g. road works).

Lay-by layout
No. Width Route Stop Pole No.
1 Single lay-by Taxi stand N/A
2 Dual lay-by GMB 59A, 59B, 59S, N4X Unapplicable
GMB 59 N/A
2a Stop position near entrance GMB 29 N/A
3 Single lay-by 75, A17 2389A
4 Single lay-by 72A 2389B
5 Dual lay-by 48 (Terminus/to Wah Fu (North)), 73P 2389C
40P, 48 (to Ocean Park), 71P, 973 2389D



  1. To facilitate edits of other articles, the title of this article was renamed as "Shum Wan Public Transport Interchange".
  2. Some trips during daytime on Saturdays and holidays extends to Ocean Park as origin/destination/terminus, with this stop as an intermediate stop.

Related Articles[]

The Encyclopedia of Ferry Transport in Hong Kong Wiki:
  • Nam Long Shan Road Bus Terminus
  • Wong Chuk Hang Bus Terminus
  • Wong Chuk Hang Station Public Transport Interchange
  • Water World Bus Terminus


  1. 1.0 1.1 G.N. 527: Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Cap. 374) - Shum Wan Road Public Transport Terminus, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette, Volume 06, Issue 4, 25 January 2002.
  2. G.N. 4846: (Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Cap. 374) - Closed area at Shum Wan Road Public Transport Terminus)The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Gazette, Volume 06, Issue 32, 9 August 2002.
  3. Citybus Limited, "城巴一月廿七日推出三組八達通巴士轉乘優惠計劃 單程車資優惠由$2.50至$13.00" ("Citybus introduces 3 sets of Octopus Bus-bus interchange concessions with single-dorection discounts") [News Release].
  4. 巴士稀疏雅濤閣居民叫苦 (Sparse bus headways complained by Broadview Court residents), Apple Daily, 10 April 2002.

External Links[]

To facilitate quoting and enquiries, the following redirect page(s) will direct to this page:

SWAShum WanShum Wan Bus TerminusShum Wan Public Transport InterchangeShum Wan Road Public Transport InterchangeWong Chuk Hang (Shum Wan Road) Public Transport TerminusShum Wan (Broadview Court) Bus Terminus and Shum Wan Ferry Pier

Template:List of Southern District Bus Termini Template:List of Southern District GMB Termini
