Hong Kong Buses Wiki

Sha Tau Kok Public Transport Interchange (沙頭角公共運輸交匯處) is located at the junction of Sha Tau Kok Road - Shek Chung Au and Shun Lung Street, opposite Block 15 of Sha Tau Kok Estate and Sha Tau Kok Village Building (Sha Tau Kok Post Office) in Sha Tau Kok, North District, New Territories. It has three parallel passenger platforms and a lay-by.

The Sha Tau Kok PTI is currently the only bus stop in Hong Kong which is located within the Frontier Closed Area (FCA) and not connected to a boundary control point [Remark 1], and access is restricted to holders of FCA permits only. Before entering Sha Tau Kok Town where the terminus is located, vehicles have to pass through the Sha Tau Kok Checkpoint or be checked for valid permits when disembarking from the buses at this stop. Passengers who do not have valid permits have to disembark from the buses at the Checkpoint or take public transport to leave Sha Tau Kok Town at this stop, and are not permitted to stay outside the boundaries of this stop.

The Sha Tau Kok PTI in the centre of Sha Tau Kok Town is some distance away from the Sha Tau Kok Control Point/Shatoujiao Port of Entry and passengers cannot cross the boundary directly to and from the PTI. Passengers who need to travel to and from Chung Ying Street for the reasons set out in the table must indicate that they are travelling to Chung Ying Street when applying for a FCA permit, otherwise entry is strictly prohibited. [1]

KMB now calls this stop "Sha Tau Kok Bus Terminus" (沙頭角總站).


Sha Tau Kok can be considered an exceptional example of colonial rule. Under the Treaty of 1898, Chung Ying Street became the boundary of Sha Tau Kok, marked only by a few boulders, with Shenzhen (called Shamchun at that time) to the north and Hong Kong to the south. This open border divides the village of Sha Tau Kok into two, and the original inhabitants of Sha Tau Kok can visit each other according to history.

Prior to the WWII, Sha Tau Kok was the only land border crossing point, other than the Kowloon-Canton Railway British Section, where people from both sides could only travel between Hong Kong and China via Sha Tau Kok, and therefore bus services were available in Sha Tau Kok in the 1930s. As the Chinese Communist Party replaced the Kuomintang in 1949, the British set up a Frontier Closed Area in Hong Kong in 1951 to prevent mainlanders from entering Hong Kong illegally, and the bus terminus at Shun Lung Street was also included in the Frontier Closed Area. The early Sha Tau Kok bus terminus was located at the roundabout at the end of Shun Lung Street, next to the Sha Tau Kok Primary School of the Fish Marketing Organization, which is now between the Shun Lung Street sewage pumping station of the Drainage Services Department and the Sha Tau Kok Bus Terminus.[2]

In late 1980s, the new public housing estate, Sha Tau Kok Chuen (沙頭角邨), was developed to rehouse squatters and boat dwellers originally living on the shoreline of Sha Tau Kok, and was occupied from 1988 to 1991. The current Sha Tau Kok Bus Terminus was opened on 12 May 1987[3] on the site of the Sha Tau Kok Primary School of the Fish Marketing Organization; part of the station area was designated as a GMB terminus on 16 June 1989.[4]

The Government has reduced the FCA in three phases since 15 February 2012. In view of the unique security considerations of Sha Tau Kok Town, the vicnity will remain within the FCA, with the boundary narrowed to the north of the "Tam Shui Hang" bus stop. Sha Tau Kok Town and Chung Ying Street, not far from the bus terminus, were to remain within the FCA and this stop is the only one located within the Sha Tau Kok FCA[5][6]. All buses to and from this stop are required to carry a Closed Road Permit[Remark 2] and bus captains and passengers boarding and alighting at this station are also required to have a Closed Area Permit.

On 14 October 2019, KMB Route 277A commenced service from this station to Lam Tin Station during the morning peak hours from Monday to Friday, making it the first direct franchised bus route from Sha Tau Kok to urban Kowloon.

On 18 October 2021, KMB Route 78 commenced service from this station to Fanling Station during the morning peak hours from Mondays to Fridays.

On 30 November 2021, KMB Route N78 commenced service to and from Sheung Shui in the early morning and late evening respectively.

On 1 January 2024, KMB Route 78S commenced service, operating daily during morning daytime non-peak hours towards this stop and during PM peak hours towards Sheung Shui.

Surrounding facilities[]

The terminus is nearby Blocks 11 to 27 of Sha Tau Kok Chuen, Ying Hoi House (迎海樓), Sun Yin House (新然樓), Sha Tau Kok Rural Committee (沙頭角鄉事委員會), Sha Tau Kok Central Primary School (沙頭角中心小學), Sha Tau Kok Rural Building (沙頭角鄉村大樓), Sha Tau Kok Post Office (沙頭角郵政局), Sha Tau Kok Market (沙頭角街市), Marin Point (尚澄), etc.

Route Information[]

List of Franchised Bus Routes terminating at Sha Tau Kok
Operator Route No. Origin Destination Service Type
KMB 78 Sha Tau Kok Sheung Shui (Tai Ping)
Service Mondays to Fridays during Morning Peak Hours, via Heung Yuen Wai Highway
KMB 78K Sha Tau Kok Sheung Shui[Remark 3] Service daily
Special Trips
Sha Tau Kok Fanling (Wah Ming)
Service Mondays to Fridays during Morning Peak Hours
KMB 78S Sheung Shui Sha Tau Kok Outbound service daily during morning daytime non-peak hours, via Heung Yuen Wai Highway
Sha Tau Kok Sheung Shui Inbound service daily during afternoon daytime non-peak hours, via Heung Yuen Wai Highway
KMB 277A Sha Tau Kok Lam Tin Station Outbound service Mondays to Fridays during morning, Saturdays and holidays during morning daytime non-peak hours and Afternoon Peak Hours hours
Lam Tin Station Sha Tau Kok Inbound service Mondays to Fridays during Afternoon Peak Hours hours to nighttime, Saturdays and holidays during Morning Peak Hours and Afternoon Peak Hours hours to nighttime
KMB N78 Sheung Shui Sha Tau Kok Outbound service daily overnight, via Queen's Hill
Sha Tau Kok Sheung Shui Inbound service daily during early morning, via Queen's Hill
List of Green Minibus (GMB) Routes terminating at Sha Tau Kok
Operator Route No. Origin Destination Service Type
Golden Way 55K Sha Tau Kok (Shun Lung Street) Sheung Shui Station Service daily
Golden Way 55K
Special Trips
Sha Tau Kok (Shun Lung Street) Luk Keng Service daily during Morning Peak Hours
Golden Way 55K
Special Trips
Sha Tau Kok (Shun Lung Street) Sheung Shui Station
Service Mondays to Fridays during Morning Peak Hours, via Heung Yuen Wai Highway
Golden Way 55S Sha Tau Kok (Shun Lung Street) Ta Kwu Ling (Tsung Yuen Ha) Service daily during peak hours

Routes once using this stop[]

The route information below are as of the date of withdrawal. Current terminus please refer to the route article concerned.

List of Bus Routes once terminating at Sha Tau Kok
Operator Route No. Destination at that time Terminus changed to Date no longer using this terminus
KMB 4 Yuen Long Route discontinued 1947年10月7日
KMB 18 Fanling Route discontinued 1941年12月
KMB 18 Yuen Long 1st time: Luk Keng
2nd time: Sheung Shui
1st time: 6 April 1961
2nd time: 12 May 1963
KMB 18A Luk Keng Route discontinued 25 June 1967
KMB 20 Sheung Shui Renumbered as 78 16 July 1973
KMB 78 Sheung Shui Renumbered as 78K 16 July 1983
KMB 80 Luk Keng Route discontinued 15 February 1975
List of Lorry Bus Routes once terminating at Sha Tau Kok
Operator Route No. Destination at that time New Terminus Date of Discontinuation
Man Uk Pin Lorry Bus Sha Tau Kok Route discontinued 2017

Bus Lay-by Allocation[]

Please note that the stop may be temporarily or permanently altered at any time due to other factors (e.g. road works).

Bus Lay-by Allocation (starting from the left side)
No. Width Route Stop Pole No.
1 Dual lane 78, 78K, 78S, 277A, N78 SH01-T-1000-0
2 Dual lane GMB 55K, 55S
3 Dual lane Taxi Stand


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  1. Before the reduction of the FCA, the Man Kam To Bus Terminus and Ta Kwu Ling Bus Terminus were also situated within the FCA without connecting to the boundary control points.
  2. But most of the buses running on routes to/from Sha Tau Kok B/T did not display or even obtain FCA permits, including the debut buses of Route 277A inbound and outbound (KT6491 and VG8443, vehicles from Kowloon Bay Depot (K) and Lai Chi Kok Depot (L) respectively)
  3. Departures from 09:00 - 17:00 daily and at 06:48 and 07:08 on Mondays to Fridays from this stop will be extended to Tai Ping.

Related articles[]

  • Shatoujiao Port of Entry
  • Sha Tau Kok Control Point


  1. Application Procedures, Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF).
  2. 《歲月流金-沙頭角禁區(1982-2002)圖片集》, 張慶泉, 2002.
  3. Notice No. 1530, Hong Kong Government Gazette, Vol. 129, No. 19, 8 May 1987.
  4. Notice 2048, Hong Kong Government Gazette, Vol. 131, No. 24, 16 Jun 1989.
  5. HKSARG, Government proposes to reduce Frontier Closed Area [Press Release], 7 Sep 2006.
  6. Reduction of Frontier Closed Area, Police Report, 11 Feb 2012.

External links[]

Template:List of North District Bus Termini Template:List of North District Minibus Termini
