Hong Kong Buses Wiki
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The route information contained in this article is accurate at the time of the last service provision.
Details of the next service under this article will be updated when they are officially announced.

The Hong Kong Island Recreation Bus Route 30R is operated by New World First Bus (NWFB). It runs one way from Hong Kong Stadium to Cyberport, via Central, Sheung Wan, Sai Ying Pun, Shek Tong Tsui, Kennedy Town, Mount Davis and Pok Fu Lam. It provides service only at the end of designated major events at Hong Kong Stadium.


  • 31 March 2023: Route 30R commenced for the first time to coincide with the Hong Kong Sevens at the Hong Kong Stadium.[1]

Service Hours and Headways[]

This route operates only at the end of major events at the Hong Kong Stadium and the frequency will be adjusted according to the number of passengers.


Journey/Boarding Stop Fare
Full Fare $19.1
Fare Remarks
  • Half-fare for children aged below 12 and senior citizens aged 65 or above; the remainder of the fare after half-fare will be counted as 10 cents.
  • Elderly persons aged 65 or above using Senior Octopus Cards or Personalised Octopus cards, Hong Kong residents aged 60 to 64 using JoyYou Card, and eligible persons with disabilities using Personalised Octopus cards with "Persons with Disabilities Status" can enjoy a flat fare of $2.0 per journey under the $2 Concessionary Fare. If the concessionary fare for eligible persons with disabilities aged below 12 and senior citizens aged 65 or above is less than $2.0 after a 50% discount from the regular fare, the beneficiary is only required to pay the original concessionary fare; if the original full fare for Hong Kong residents aged 60 to 64 or eligible persons with disabilities is already less than $2.0, the beneficiary is also only required to pay the original full fare.
  • Passengers are required to tender exact fare by cash or by Octopus card when boarding. No exact change will be given.
  • Passengers may also use AlipayHK "EasyGo", Alipay, QuickPass, BoC Pay "RideCode", WeChat Pay HK or WeChat "Ride Code", Visa, Mastercard and UnionPay cards with inductive payment capabilities, as well as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Huawei Pay mobile payment platforms for fare payment. Passengers using the above payment method can only enjoy the interchange concessions with other Citybus solely-operated routes or the Citybus departures of the jointly-operated routes, and cannot enjoy the "Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme" nor the "Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities".


Via: Eastern Hospital Road, Tung Lo Wan Road, Moreton Terrace, Tai Hang Road Flyover, Gloucester Road, Harcourt Road, Connaught Road Central, Connaught Road West, Des Voeux Road West, Queen Street, Queen's Road West, Belcher's Street, Victoria Road, Mount Davis Road, Mount Davis Road, Pok Fu Lam Road, Victoria Road, Cyberport Road and Information Crescent

NWFB Route 30R (Hong Kong StadiumCyberport)
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 So Kon Po Eastern Hospital Hong Kong Stadium (25R, 30R Boarding Stop)
2 Central Connaught Road Central Pottinger Street MTR logo MTR logo
3 Sheung Wan Rumsey Street MTR logo
4 Hillier Street MTR logo
5 Connaught Road Central Western Market near Macau Ferry
6 Queen's Road West Queen's Terrace
7 Sai Ying Pun Centre Street
8 Chiu Kwong Street
9 Shek Tong Tsui Shek Tong Tsui Municipal Services Building MTR logo
10 Yat Fu Lane
11 Kennedy Town Belcher's Street Sands Street
12 Luen Bong Apartments MTR logo
13 Kennedy Town (Sai Wan Mei) Victoria Road Ka Wai Man Road
14 Serene Court
15 Mount Davis Island West Transfer Station near Sai Wan Swimming Shed
16 Caritas Jockey Club Hostel near Chee Sing Kok Social Centre for the Humanity Life
17 Mount Davis Path near University of Chicago Hong Kong Campus
18 Mount Davis Road Victoria Road
19 Cape Mansions
20 St. Clare's Girls' School
21 Greenery Garden
22 On Lee
23 Pok Fu Lam Pok Fu Lam Road HKCCCU Pok Fu Lam Road Cemetery near Kai Ming Temple
24 Queen Mary Hospital
25 Ebenezer School
24 Middleton Towers
25 Pok Fu Lam Reservoir Road
26 Pok Fu Lam Village near VTC Pokfulam Complex
27 Pok Fu Lam (Chi Fu) Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No.2 Compulsory Stop
28 Waterfall Bay (Wah Fu) Victoria Road Wah Chui Street for Wah Fu, please alight at this stop
29 Telegraph Bay (Cyberport) Cyberport Road Bel-Air on the Peak
30 Residence Bel-Air
31 Cyberport



Related articles[]

  • Citybus Route 5B
  • Citybus Route 5X
  • Citybus Route 10
  • Citybus Route 42C
  • Hong Kong Island GMB Route 10
  • Hong Kong Island GMB Route 10P
  • Hong Kong Island GMB Route 69X


  1. Citybus Limited & New World First Bus Services Limited, "Citybus and NWFB Operate 5 Special Routes for The Hong Kong Sevens" [News Release], 28 March 2023.

External links[]

Template:List of Major Event Special Bus Routes
