Hong Kong Buses Wiki

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus (港珠澳大橋穿梭巴士, HZMBus) is a cross-boundary bus route operated by the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus Company Limited, travelling between the Hong Kong Port and the Macau/Zhuhai ports.

The operator paints all the buses in gold colour, so the shuttle buses are also known as "Gold Bus" (金巴).


To tie in with the commissioning of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau have formed the Cross-boundary Access Policy Co-ordination Group.[1] The scope of work of the Group covers cross-boundary vehicle regulation and quota system, cross-boundary vehicle tolls, traffic management, operation and maintenance, rescue and contingency planning, law enforcement co-ordination, customs clearance facilitation, as well as negotiation on cross-boundary transport arrangements for the HZMB, etc. The Group will work out a set of cross-boundary transport services to meet the needs of the residents, travellers and the trades of the three places, so as to enable the HZMB to bring about the greatest economic and transport benefits.

The three governments have agreed to provide different types of cross-boundary transport modes on the HZMB so that the transport trades can provide a wide range of quality services to cross-boundary travellers in an environment with healthy competition. Among them, "Cross-boundary Shuttle Buses" are the major means of transport between the HZMB control points, providing frequent feeder services for travellers to travel conveniently between the Hong Kong and Zhuhai control points, as well as the Hong Kong and Macao control points. The Boundary Crossing Shuttle Buses only pick up passengers within the boundary of the control points. Upon arrival at the Hong Kong, Macao or Zhuhai control points, travellers can make use of the local public transport to travel to the respective districts.

Operating rights[]

The operation of the cross-boundary shuttle buses is similar to that of the Lok Ma Chau-Huanggang cross-boundary shuttle buses in that the services are operated by a single operator on a self-financing commercial basis, and the operator must be a consortium comprising enterprises from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The three governments have decided to jointly select the operator in an open, fair and impartial manner. The tender exercise is expected to commence around the second quarter of 2016 at the earliest, and in the selection process, the three governments will take into account factors such as the operator's proposed fares, service arrangements and fleet management.

The selected operator will be required to sign an operating agreement and comply with the relevant terms and conditions. The three governments will jointly monitor the operation of the cross-boundary shuttle buses, including service quality and fares, to ensure service quality and stability. The operating licences are valid for a period of five years. Upon expiry of the licences, the performance of the operators will be assessed to determine whether their operating licences can be renewed, and the licences can be renewed at most once, i.e. for a maximum of 10 years. Up to one renewal, i.e. for a maximum of 10 years, a new open selection of operators will be required upon expiry of the entire operating licence.[2]

On 25 February 2019, the Chairman of the HZMBus, Mr Cheung Kwong-yau, said that fare adjustments of the shuttle buses require the agreement of the three governments, which stipulates that the fares can be reviewed once a year.[3]

Open tendering[]

After a round of preparation, the HZMB Cross-boundary Access Policy Co-ordination Group announced on 15 June 2017 the open tender for the operator of the "HZMB Shuttle Buses", including the "Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route" and the "Hong Kong-Macau Route", which would ply between Hong Kong and the Zhuhai-Macau boundary crossings. The tender will commence at 8:30 a.m. on 29 June and end at 5:30 p.m. on 12 July. The tender evaluation was jointly conducted by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Transport, the Macau Transport Bureau (DSAT) and the Transport Department of Hong Kong. The tender evaluation was based on the tenderer's management capability and human resources, financial capability, fare proposal and charging arrangement, shuttle bus procurement and maintenance programme, proposed service standard and preparatory work prior to commencement of the service.[4]

The cross-boundary bus operators participating in the tender should be "joint venture companies" or "tri-site consortiums" of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, with at least two of them having "cross-boundary land or shipping" services for more than two years; and at least one of the companies having "cross-boundary land" service experience; and a subsidiary company of a member company holding 51% or more of the shareholding and with experience in cross-boundary passenger transport service is also deemed to be in line with the experience in the service. According to the "Regulations on Administration of Foreign Investment in Road Transportation Industry", the proportion of foreign shareholding shall not be more than 49%. If the Hong Kong and Macau member companies of the bidder have the qualification of "service provider" under the Mainland and Hong Kong (Macao) Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) respectively, the proportion of shareholding of the three member companies should be consistent with the proportion of capital contribution to the capital works of the HZMB Main Bridge (the proportion of capital contribution of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau is about 44.5%, 42.9% and 12.6% respectively); if neither of the member companies of Hong Kong nor Macau has the status of "service provider", the total shareholding ratio of the two parties shall not be more than 49%.

Tender results[]

The Beijing CCCC Construction Engineering Tender Co. was commissioned by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Transport, the Macao Transport Bureau and the Hong Kong Transport Department to announce the tender evaluation results on 14 August 2017 at the Guangdong Public Resources Trading Centre. According to the tender evaluation results, "Zhuhai Yuegong Xinhai Transportation Company Limited", a joint venture between a number of public transport enterprises in Guangdong Province and Zhuhai City, together with "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus Company Limited" on the Hong Kong side and "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Land Transportation (Macau) Corporation" on the Macau side [5] scored 89.53 and ranked first, being the successful candidate. The parties agreed to set up a joint venture company in each of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, namely "Guangdong Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus Company Limited", "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus (Hong Kong) Company Limited", and "Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus (Macau) Company Limited", to jointly operate the "Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route" and "Hong Kong-Macao Route" cross-boundary shuttle bus services.

Distribution of Shareholdings in the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus Joint Venture Company
Shareholder Shareholding in holding company Shareholding in joint ventures
[Guangdong] Zhuhai Yuegong Xinhai Transportation Company
Guangdong Motor Transportation Group Limited (廣東省汽車運輸集團有限公司) 39% 19.89%
Zhuhai Public Transportation Group Limited (珠海公共交通運輸集團有限公司) 30% 15.3%
Zhuhai High Speed Ferry Company Limited (珠海高速客輪有限公司) 21% 10.71%
Guangdong Gongbei Motor Transport Co. 10% 5.1%
[Hong Kong] Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Bridge Shuttle Bus Services Limited
Kwoon Chung Bus 20% 7.6%
The Motor Transport Company of Guangdong and Hong Kong Limited 20% 7.6%
TurboJet 20% 7.6%
China Travel Service (CTS) Group Hong Kong 20% 7.6%
Chu Kong Shipping (CKS) 20% 7.6%
[Macau] Hong Kong, Zhuhai & Macau Transporte Terrestre (Macau) S.A.
Nam Kwong Group Macau 100% 11%

Connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau[]

With the commissioning of the HZMB at 9:00am on 24 October 2018, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai and Hong Kong-Macao routes of the shuttle buses commenced service at the same time. Since the shuttle buses have been in operation for nearly a month, more than 60% of the passengers are group travellers. The operator has not been able to deploy sufficient buses to guide the passengers within a short period of time, resulting in a heavy passenger flow at certain periods of time at the three control points.

In this connection, the operator launched the Group Passenger Booking Service online system on 23 November. Travel agents or group organisers can purchase tickets for specified dates and time slots through the online system. Group tickets require a minimum of 15 tickets to be purchased and booked at least 24 hours in advance, with a maximum of 10 days' advance booking. Purchased groups are required to arrive at the control point and report to the staff at the scheduled time, and present the booking proof to exchange for a queuing number plate to wait for the bus; if the booking time is exceeded, the booking will be cancelled and the group will have to queue for buses on the spot.[6] The new arrangement can help manage and regulate passenger flow at different time slots, avoiding the concentration of group travellers at the same time slot and shortening the waiting time of travellers.

Immediately after the implementation of another new ticketing arrangement on 24 November, passengers travelling to Hong Kong Port via Zhuhai Port by shuttle buses are required to purchase their tickets online in advance before they can board the shuttle buses on specified days and time slots. Passengers holding Hong Kong Identity Cards or foreign passports can purchase tickets on the spot at the Zhuhai Control Point as usual and will not be affected by the above new arrangement.[7][8][9] The implementation of the measure has resulted in a large number of passengers travelling through Macau before going to Hong Kong.[10]

The media also disclosed that the operator's staff promoted to passengers a more expensive $90 "Express Gold Bus" [11] with tickets sold only at the dedicated counters of the cross-boundary direct buses, which was suspected to be a short-haul service operated by the cross-boundary direct buses.[12]

On 5 August 2019, when attending an oral question at the Legislative Assembly of Macau, the Secretary for Transport and Public Works of Macau, Mr. Raimundo Arrais do Rosário, said that during the onslaught of Tropical Tropical Cyclone Wipha on 31 July, a number of travellers were stranded at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Border Inspection Building as the Hong Kong-Macao shuttle buses did not suspend service. This necessitated the arrangement of 101X and 102X special trips to Praça Ferreira Amaral,[13] but as other bus routes in Macao had already been suspended, a number of travellers were stranded at Praça Ferreira Amaral.[14][15] According to Executive Order of the Chief Executive of Macau No. 166/2002, when Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted in Macao, the operation of land and sea-based public mass transport should be suspended for the following 1.5 hours. Therefore, it was arranged for the Macau Transport Bureau (DSAT) to meet with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Boundary Crossing Facilities Shuttle Bus Company to review the service arrangement of the HZMB shuttle buses during the period of the hoisting of the Tropical Cyclone.[16][17] In view of the relevant instructions and public safety, after discussion, in future, HZMB shuttle buses will be suspended from travelling to Macao when Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted in Macao, and last buses to Macao will be departed 15 minutes prior to the hoisting of the signal.

Service Hours and Headways[]

The latest update is on 2/2023, please refer to the link below for the official route information.

Timetable for Hong Kong-Macau Route
From Hong Kong From Macau Headways (mins)
Service provides 24/7, headways are as follows:
00:30 - 05:30 01:00 - 07:00 60
06:00 - 07:30 07:00 - 08:00 30
07:00 - 09:00 08:00 - 10:00 15-20
09:00 - 21:00 10:00 - 22:00 10-15
21:00 - 00:00 22:00 - 01:00 15-20
Headways are enhanced according to demand during different periods
Timetable for Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route
From Hong Kong From Zhuhai Headways (mins)
Service provides 24/7, headways are as follows:
00:00 - 07:00 00:30 - 06:30 60
07:00 - 08:00 - 30
08:00 - 22:00 06:30 - 22:00 15-20
22:00 - 23:30 22:00 - 23:30 30
Headways are enhanced according to demand during different periods


Hong Kong to Macau or Zhuhai Macau to Hong Kong Zhuhai to Hong Kong
Daytime hours
HKD $65 MOP $65 RMB ¥58
Nightime hours
HKD $70 MOP $70 RMB ¥63
Fare Remarks
  • Children aged 12 and less than 1.2 metres tall, disabled persons (upon presentation of Hong Kong Registration Card for People with Disabilities, Macau Registration Card for People with Disabilities or People's Republic of China Disabled Person's Card from Mainland China, or use of Hong Kong Personalised Octopus with Disability Status or Macau Pass Disability Card), and seniors aged 65 or above are entitled to a half-fare concession for each piece of baggage of not more than HK$1.
  • Each passenger is entitled to carry one piece of baggage measuring 64 x 41 x 23 cm and not exceeding 10 kg in weight (the baggage limit was later relaxed to one piece of baggage measuring 28 inches and not exceeding 20 kg) for free.[18]
  • After checking in at the Departure Hall of the Hong Kong Port Passenger Clearance Building, passengers may purchase tickets at the Shuttle Bus Service Ticket Counters, Self-service Ticket Dispensing Machines, or Online Ticketing System within the Restricted Area, and make payment by using one of the following payment methods:
    • Cash
      • Hong Kong Dollar (HKD, for Hong Kong and Macau ports only, redemption will be made in the local currency of the port)
      • Macau patacas (MOP, for Hong Kong and Macau ports only)
      • Renminbi (RMB/yuan)
    • Octopus (for Hong Kong and Macau ports only)
    • AlipayHK, Alipay
    • WeChat Pay (Hong Kong and Mainland version)
    • BOCPay (for Hong Kong Port only)
    • Macau Pass (for Macau Port only)
    • MPAY (for Macau Port only)
    • JetCo card (Physical card or mobile virtual card is applicable at Hong Kong or Macau control points, while UnionPay is only applicable at Hong Kong control points)
    • Visa/MasterCard (for Hong Kong and Macau ports only)
    • JCB cards (for Hong Kong Port only)

Travelling procedure[]

Travelling procedure
Proceed to the port of exit on your own Process departure formalities
at the port
Purchase shuttle bus
Travel on the
Port Shuttle Bus
Process entry formalities
at the port
Leave the port of entry on your own
  • After the Macau Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) issues Tropical Cyclone Signal No.8 or above, services to Macau will be suspended, with the last bus to Macau departing 15 minutes before the signal is issued.[19]

Bus Deployments[]

At present, HZM Bus has 40 Scania K250UB single-decker buses with Higer bodywork, 60 MAN A95 double-decker buses (20 with 79 seats and 40 with 83 seats) and an unspecified number of Higer T50-bodied Scania K410IB single-decker coaches.

According to the tender conditions,[20] the operator is required to prepare 90 to 140 buses with a reserve of not more than 30 buses. The number of buses is based on a 45-seat capacity per vehicle, and other types of buses with other capacities are also available.

To this end, HZMBus procured the first batch of 40 Scania K250UB single-deck buses and 20 MAN A95 (79-seat) double-deck buses [21] prior to the commencement of the service, and leased Scania K360IB, MAN A91 and MAN RR2 single-deck buses from other cross-boundary bus operators to form a fleet of "Gold Buses" which operates round-the-clock, running non-stop at three shifts per day to and from the three control points. Each bus is equipped with basic facilities such as a stop announcement system and a wheelchair parking area (on low floor buses only), with USB plugs at window seats and luggage racks located at the rear of the bus on the lower deck. There are doors on the left and right sides of the buses for the convenience of alighting passengers.

Initially, the operator expects to operate no less than 640 bus trips per day with a carrying capacity of over 96,000 passengers. Upon the arrival of the second batch of 50 K250UBs, the bus fleet will be increased to 170 buses and the carrying capacity will be raised to 156,000 passenger trips. However, on the first weekend and Sunday after the commissioning of the HZMB, the supply of shuttle buses at the ports was insufficient to meet the demand, resulting in a large number of travellers having to wait for the buses. The Transport Department (TD) introduced two measures to ease the situation after discussion with the industry. The number of Gold Buses were increased from the original 120 to 138 starting from 2 November 2018, with the additional 18 buses being all single-decker buses. At the same time, the operator has leased about 20 to 30 additional buses from the cross-boundary trade during weekends, so as to increase the capacity of the shuttle buses to more than 150 buses to cope with the passenger demand during peak hours.[22][23] The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Mr Frank Chan, said on 9 November that apart from its own fleet, HZMBus had also leased a number of buses, resulting in a fleet of more than 180 buses for "Gold Bus".[24]

The Chairman of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus Company Limited, Mr Cheung Kwong-yau (張廣友), responded on 31 December 2018 that 20 single-decker buses and 40 double-decker buses had been ordered and were expected to commence service before the Lunar New Year and from mid-2019 to the third quarter of 2019 at the earliest respectively.[25] The TD confirmed on 31 January 2019 that the operator had procured 13 new buses to increase the fleet to more than 185 buses, and would make appropriate vehicle deployment having regard to the passenger flow of the three boundary control points to cope with the peak passenger traffic periods of the Zhuhai and Macau routes.[26]

On 25 February 2019, Cheung Kwong-yau, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Buses, revealed that the company has invested a total of about $500 million in the development of the Gold Bus, with 242 bus captains and 162 Gold Buses currently in service. With the development of Hong Kong and the cities in the Greater Bay Area, Mr Cheung expects that the demand for GMB services will continue to rise and has therefore ordered 40 buses, which are expected to come into service in the second to third quarter of this year.[27] During the Labour Day holiday period, the operator has deployed about 190 buses to enhance the frequency of service to cope with the peak period of cross-boundary passengers at the three control points.[28]


Hong Kong-Macau Route[]

The distance of this route is approx. 60km, and the journey time is approximately 45mins. (The average speed is 80km/h.)

Route Map

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus/Hong Kong-Macau Route (Macau)

HZMB Shuttle Bus Hong Kong-Macau Route (Hong Kong Port → Macau Port)
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 HZMB Hong Kong Port Artificial Island Hong Kong Port
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
2 Zhuhai and Macau Port Artificial Island Macau Port G/F East Zone (Loading and Unloading Area)

To Hong Kong[]

Route Map

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus/Hong Kong-Macau Route (Hong Kong)

HZMB Shuttle Bus Hong Kong-Macau Route (Macau Port → Hong Kong Port)
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 Zhuhai and Macau Port Artificial Island Macau Port G/F East Zone (Loading and Unloading Area)
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
2 HZMB Hong Kong Port Artificial Island Hong Kong Port

Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route[]

The distance of this route is approx. 65km, and the journey time is approximately 55mins. (The average speed is 70.9km/h.)

To Zhuhai[]

Route Map

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus/Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route (Zhuhai)

HZMB Shuttle Bus Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route (Hong Kong Port → Zhuhai Port)
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 HZMB Hong Kong Port Artificial Island Hong Kong Port
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
2 Zhuhai and Macau Port Artificial Island Zhuhai Port

To Hong Kong[]

Route Map

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus/Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route (Hong Kong)

HZMB Shuttle Bus Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route (Zhuhai Port → Hong Kong Port)
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 Zhuhai and Macau Port Artificial Island Zhuhai Port
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge
2 HZMB Hong Kong Port Artificial Island Hong Kong Port


According to the information from the Transport Bureau (DSAT) of Macau in February 2019, the total number of passengers using the shuttle bus routes between Hong Kong and Macau from the commencement of service to 9 February 2019 was 2,669,621, of which 1,626,853 were from Hong Kong to Macau and 1,042,768 from Macau to Hong Kong. 68,127 trips were made on the routes, of which 36,694 were from Hong Kong to Macao and 31,433 were from Macau to Hong Kong. Of these, 36,694 were from Hong Kong to Macau and 31,433 were from Macau to Hong Kong.[29]

On 25 February 2019, Cheung Kwong-yau, Chairman of HZMB Shuttle Bus, said that the average daily patronage from the first to the seventh day of Lunar New Year 2019 was 92,000, with a peak of 118,000 on the third day of Lunar New Year, and a minimum of about 30,000.[3] Meanwhile, Cheung Kwong Yau said that in the past four months of operation, 8am to 10am and 6pm to 8pm were the peak hours, and that he was studying the introduction of monthly tickets.[30]

On 15 January 2020, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Transport indicated that the HZMB shuttle buses had carried a cumulative total of more than 18 million passengers since its opening more than a year ago. As at last month, the HZMB shuttle buses had operated over 550,000 trips and carried over 1,800 passengers, with about 80 trips per day on weekdays.

Related Incidents[]

Mechanical Failure[]

  • 24 October 2018: At about 10:00 a.m., the second MAN A95 bus from Zhuhai to Hong Kong stopped at the side of the HZMB due to a malfunction of the electronic system, and all the passengers waited at the bridge for about 20 minutes before another bus picked up all the passengers.[31]

Wrong road incidents[]

  • 24 October 2018: At 12:30pm, due to a deployment error by station staff at the Hong Kong Port, a MAN RR2 (UB1156) originally scheduled to travel from Hong Kong to Macau was misdirected to the Zhuhai-bound stop, resulting in Macau-bound passengers boarding the bus by mistake. After the bus arrived at the Zhuhai Port, the bus driver indicated that the bus could not return to Macau and once asked the passengers to transfer to Macau on their own, and eventually all the passengers were arranged to board another bus to return to Macau.[32]
  • 21 December 2018: The media reported that a HZMB Shuttle Bus was travelling in the opposite direction at Hong Kong International Airport, Chek Lap Kok at night on Cheong Wong Road when it was suspected to have entered the wrong route and had been heading towards Terminal 2.[33]

Large crowds of passengers queuing for Gold Buses during peak periods[]

  • 28 October 2018: The day was the first peak day of passenger flow after the commissioning of the bus service. Due to insufficient frequency, only single-deck buses with lower capacity were allowed to operate, resulting in queues of people waiting for the buses at the three border control points. The queues were most serious in the evening, with more than 1,000 travellers queuing up at the Hong Kong and Macao control points, waiting for two hours before boarding the buses, and some travellers were once dissatisfied with the noise level. After the incident, the HKSAR Government indicated that it attached great importance to the incident and would co-ordinate with the operator, the Macao SAR Government and the Zhuhai Government.[34][35] On 2 November 2018, the Deputy Commissioner for Transport, Ms. Janet Li, said that the fleet of this route had been increased from 120 to 138 buses, and that 20-30 buses would be leased to meet the demand during peak periods on weekends.[36]

Impacts due to typhoon[]

  • 31 October 2018: The HZMB Shuttle Buses were once required to restrict their speed to less than 60km/h due to the typhoon, adding 15 minutes to the journey time.

Ticketing failures[]

  • 8 February 2019: A malfunction of the ticketing system at the Zhuhai Port caused chaos as the HZMB Shuttle Buses once arranged free rides for passengers departing from Zhuhai near noon.[37]

COVID-19 pandemic[]

  • 18 March 2020: Due to the fact that many confirmed cases of novel coronavirus in Macau had travelled on the Gold Bus, the Macau authorities announced that all passengers travelling on the Gold Bus were required to have their body temperature checked, and if someone's temperature exceeds 37.3 °C, he or she would need to be transferred to the passenger's home port for treatment, and that a system of real-name registration would be adopted for the bus. At the same time, Gold Bus' passenger capacity was reduced by 50% compared to normal.[38][39]
  • 6 April to 7 May 2020: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, service on Hong Kong-Macau route was suspended from 00:00 am until further notice, with the same last buses of 8:00 pm on 5 April for both directions.[40][41]
  • From 19 July 2020 onwards: To strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic, the HZMB Shuttle Buses changed to selling tickets in advance only on WeChat (Public No.: 港珠澳大橋穿梭巴士 or WeChat ID: hzmbus), instead of at the ticketing offices of the three control points. Each shuttle bus was limited to 40 passengers, and passengers are required to take a separate seat after boarding the bus and wear a mask throughout the journey. All passengers entering Macau or Zhuhai were required to have a valid certificate of negative nucleic acid test results.[42][43]
  • 2 August 2021: As a close contact of the confirmed case in Macao came to Hong Kong via Return2HK on the same day and returned to Hong Kong with two family members at around 12:00 noon on the GMB, and then took Citybus Route A21 to Tsim Sha Tsui to check in at the Luxe Manor Hotel, passengers who had travelled on the Gold Bus and Citybus Route A21 from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. were required to take the mandatory test.[44]
  • 6 August 2021: In accordance with the work requirements of the Zhuhai Municipal Government's Epidemic Prevention Department, the frequency of the HZMB Shuttle Buses between Hong Kong and Zhuhai was reduced from six trips per day to three trips per day from 6 August 2021 onwards,[45] until 25 August.[46]

Scalper tickets[]

  • January 2022: Tickets for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai route have been speculated at up to each $1,000 due to increased demand from Hong Kong as the Lunar New Year approaches. To combat scalper tickets, starting from 4 January, passengers are required to provide their names and valid identity document numbers when purchasing Hong Kong-Zhuhai route tickets on WeChat Public and the HZMBus website. The name and identity document number of the passenger will be printed on the ticket. After issuing the ticket and before boarding, the staff will ask the passenger to produce the original identity document, and if the information does not match, the passenger may be refused to board the bus.[47][48]

Illegal driving on Macau route by Zhuhai drivers[]

  • 11 April 2023: A former staff member disclosed to the Cable News programme that due to a shortage of drivers in the wake of the epidemic, there was a situation in which Hong Kong-Macau route of the Gold Bus were driven by Zhuhai drivers who did not hold a Macau driving licence. As the Transport Bureau of Macau has stipulated that the relevant routes can only be driven by holders of Hong Kong and Macau driving licences, and although mutual recognition of driving licences would be implemented in Zhuhai and Macau with effect from 16 May 2023, it does not mean that they can be engaged in labour work, it is alleged that the drivers in question belong to the category of illegal workers and illegal immigrants, and they would not be able to obtain insurance compensation in case of accidents, and they may even contravene the Contractment of Non-Resident Employees Law (Lei da contratação de trabalhadores não residentes) and the Prohibition of Illegal Employment Regulations (Regulamento sobre a proibição do trabalho ilegal) of Macau.[49][50][51]


Hong Kong-Macau Route[]

Hong Kong-Zhuhai Route[]

Crystal Clear mimetype image
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Notes and References[]

  1. LCQ17: Cross-boundary transport arrangements, 28 June 2015
  2. Progress Update of Discussions with Governments of Guangdong Province and Macao Special Administrative Region on Cross-boundary Transport Arrangements for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Legislative Council Panel on Transport, 29 February 2016
  3. 3.0 3.1 金巴服務逾600萬人次 第三季增40架雙層巴士 (HZM "Gold Bus" served over 6m passengers, to introduce 40 new double-deckers in the 3rd season), on.cc, 25 February 2019.
  4. "港珠澳大橋今年12月通車 口岸穿梭巴士營辦商招標" (HZMB to open this December, port shuttle buses to tender for operators), Exmoo Macau, 16 June 2017.
  5. HK$80 from Hong Kong to Zhuhai on mega bridge – sole bus rights go to group including ‘gambling queen’ Pansy Ho’s firm, South China Morning Post, 31 March 2018.
  6. Notice on the Provision of Online Booking of Group Tickets for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus (Hong Kong) Limited, 21 November 2018
  7. HKSARG, "New ticketing arrangement for shuttle bus service at HZMB Zhuhai Port" [News Release], 23 November 2018.
  8. "【港珠澳大橋】珠海金巴明起只准預售 8條A線將改道縮短車程" ([HZMB] Tickets of Zhuhai-bound Gold Buses to be presold only, 8 A Routes to be diverted reducing travel times), AppleDaily, 23 November 2018.
  9. "乘金巴到港旅客明起須提前購票" (Passengers entering HK via Gold Bus have to pre-buy tickets from tomorrow), Cable News, 23 November 2018.
  10. "限售金巴票人流改塞澳門 旅遊界斥港府頭痛醫頭" (), on.cc, 27 November 2018.
  11. "有港珠澳大橋職員推銷「特快金巴」" (HZMB Staff spotted promoting "Express Gold Bus"), now News, 24 November 2018.
  12. "【港珠澳大橋】有內地旅客下午仍購到金巴車票 甚至可即場購票" ([HZMB] Mainland tourists still can buy Gold Bus tickets this afternoon - some even on the spot), HK01, 24 November 2018.
  13. “韋帕”掠澳避一劫 ("Wipha" hits Macau escaping a disaster), Macau Daily, 1 August 2019.
  14. 旅客滯留港珠澳大橋口岸 交局:協調巴士加開疏導港珠澳大橋抵澳旅客 (Travellers stranded at HZMB Port; DSAT: coordinated with bus companies to ease arrival crowds), TDM News Chinese, 31 July 2019.
  15. 8號風球或以上信號發出 金巴將暫停向澳門發車 (Gold Bus to suspend Macau service when Signal No.8 or above issues), TDM News Chinese, 5 August 2019.
  16. 第六屆立法會 第二立法會期(二零一八 – 二零一九) (Second Legislative Assembly Session, The Sixth Legislative Assembly (2018 - 2019)), Journal of the Legislative Assembly of the MSAR (pp. 9-10), 5 August and 6 August 2019
  17. Ordem do Chefe do Executivo 166/2002 (Chief Executive's Order), Official Gazette of the MSAR ---- Group I, Issue 28.
  18. "大橋金巴放寬行李限制吸客 網民唔收貨" (HZMB Gold Bus luggage restrictions relaxed to attract passengers, netizens don't accept), on.cc, 27 October 2018.
  19. HZMB Shuttle Bus Service Arrangements during Signal No.8, Macau DSAT, 5 August 2019.
  20. Tender Document for Operator of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Port Shuttle Buses, Guangdong Provincial Department of Transport, Macau Transport Bureau (DSAT), Hong Kong Transport Department, June 2017
  21. "大橋穿梭巴廿四小時運作" (HZMB Shuttle Buses to run 24-hour daily), Macao Daily, 22 October 2018.
  22. HKSARG, "New measures for shuttle bus services at HZMB Hong Kong Port" [News Release], 2 November 2018.
  23. "港珠澳橋候車混亂捱轟 金巴周末加車至150部" (Chaotic queues at HZMB draws criticism, Gold Buses to be increased to 150 during the weekend), on.cc, 2 November 2018.
  24. HKSARG,"Transcript of remarks by STH and SCED on relevant issues of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge" [News Release], 9 November 2018.
  25. "【港珠澳大橋】春節前加20輛單層金巴 40輛雙層最快明年中先載客" ([HZMB] 20 single-decker buses to be additionally deployed before LNY, 40 double-deckers to be put into service by mid-next year), HK01, 31 December 2018.
  26. "港珠澳大橋增13輛穿梭巴士 應付新春人流" (HZMB to purchase 13 more shuttle buses to cope with passenger flow during LNY), Sing Tao Daily, 31 January 2019.
  27. "金巴「一票通」推出20日七千人次使用" (HZMB Gold Bus' "One Ticket Pass" used by 7000 passengers within 20 days of launching), Sing Pao, 26 February 2019.
  28. HKSARG, "Public transport service arrangements for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port during Labour Day holidays" [News Release], 29 April 2019.
  29. "Latest Operating Data of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge", DSAT Macau, 22 February 2019.
  30. "港珠澳大橋穿梭巴士新春增派至每日216輛" (HZMB Shuttle Bus to additionally deploy buses to 216 buses daily during LNY), Metro Radio, 16 January 2020.
  31. "金巴跪低 乘客苦等" ("Passengers waiting in despair as Gold Bus broken down"), Apple Daily, 25 October 2018.
  32. "金巴司機疑「揸錯車」 乘客搭去澳門變珠海:個人呆咗" (Macau-bound passengers found themselves headed to Zhuhai as Gold Bus driver drove a wrong bus, passengers shocked), Apple Daily, 25 October 2018.
  33. "有無搞錯! 金巴赤鱲角機場逆線行車" (What a thing! HZMB Gold Bus drove in the opposite direction at Chek Lap Kok Airport), on.cc, 21 December 2018.
  34. "大橋首迎高峯 千人蛇餅等金巴 怒火狂燒港珠澳" (HZMB faces its first peak, thousands queued for Gold Buses; crowds raged at HZMB), Apple Daily, 29 October 2018.
  35. Transcript of remarks by Acting CE at media session before ExCo meeting (with video), HKSARG News Release, 30 October 2018.
  36. New measures for shuttle bus services at HZMB Hong Kong Port, HKSARG Press Release, 2 November 2018.
  37. "港珠澳橋珠海口岸又逼爆 售票系統故障下疑免費搭金巴" (HZMB Zhuhai Port once again packed with crowds: Travellers rode shuttle buses for free udner system failures), on.cc, 8 February 2019.
  38. "李偉成:載客量比平時已減50%" (Lei Wai Seng: HZMB Shuttle Bus capacity reduced by 50% compared to normal), Exmoo Macau, 18 March 2020.
  39. 【新冠肺炎】澳門新增2宗確診累計達17宗 乘坐金巴採取實名制, ([Coronavirus] 2 new cases confirmed in Macau totalling 17, HZMBus to adopt real-name registration system), HK01, 18 March 2020
  40. "【武漢肺炎】金巴港澳線下周一起停運 港珠澳大橋香港口岸通關時間減至朝十晚八" ([Wuhan pneumonia] Gold Bus Macau route to suspend next Monday onwards, boundary crossing time reduced to 10am-8pm), Stand News, 4 April 2020.
  41. "金巴港澳線明起恢復有限度服務" (HZMBus Macau route to resume limited service), Ming Pao, 7 May 2020.
  42. Transport Department HKSARG, "Special Transport Arrangement for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus Service" [Traffic Notice], 18 July 2020.
  43. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus Company (Hong Kong) Limited, "Notice on the Implementation of WeChat Ticketing and Shuttle Bus Operation for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus" [Notice], 18 July 2020.
  44. "澳門變種個案同房來港 住帝樂文娜公館 到美麗華商場牛角晚膳", HK01, 4 August 2021.
  45. HZMBus, "Frequency adjustment of Hong Kong-Zhuhai Departures" [Traffic Notice], 5 August 2021
  46. HZMBus, "Resumption of Hong Kong-Zhuhai Departures" [Traffic Notice], 26 August 2021
  47. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Shuttle Bus Company (Hong Kong) Limited."All Hong Kong - Zhuhai trips require real-name registration on ticket purchase on WeChat Public and website starting from 4 January 2022" [Notice], 3 January 2022.
  48. "打擊「黃牛飛」 香港往珠海金巴今起須實名制購票" (Crackdown on scalper tickets: HZMB Gold Bus requires real-name ticketing from now on), Wen Wei Po, 4 January 2022.
  49. Cable News, "港澳線 #金巴 疑用珠海司機駕駛 非法勞工?無牌駕駛? 司機直認:我珠海嚟   #一線搜查" (HZMB #Gold Bus suspected to be driven by Zhuhai drivers: Illegal workers? Illegal driving? Driver admitted: I'm from Zhuhai), YouTube, 11 April 2023.
  50. Regulamento sobre a proibição do trabalho ilegal (Portuguese), Printing Bureau of Macau
  51. Lei da contratação de trabalhadores não residentes (Portuguese), Printing Bureau of Macau

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