Hong Kong Buses Wiki

The Discovery Bay External Resident Bus Route DB03R is operated by Discovery Bay Transit Services Limited (DBTSL) (Passenger Service Licence (PSL) No. 6185A). It runs between DB Plaza and Sunny Bay Station.

This route, its supplementary route DB03P and overnight route DB08R are the only three Discovery Bay bus routes which terminate at a point other than Islands District.


  • 17 September 2005: Route DB03R commenced service between Discovery Bay Ferry and Sunny Bay MTR Station.[1][2]
  • 1 September 2008: Detoured via Chianti Public Transport Interchange which opened on the same day on Tung Chung bound.[3]
  • 16 August 2015: Double-decker buses began to be deployed on this route. [4]
  • 25 February 2017: Terminus was relocated from Discovery Bay Pier to Discovery Bay Marina Drive due to the former's closure for reconstruction project:[5]
    • Bus stops "Discovery Bay Plaza" and "20 La Costa" were added for Discovery Bay Marina Drive direction, whereas bus stops "22 La Costa (opposite)" and "Discovery Bay Temporary Bus Terminus" were added for Sunny Bay Station direction.
  • 12 January 2020: Discovery Bay terminus was relocated back to DB Plaza, with stops "Discovery Bay Plaza" and "20 La Costa" cancelled for Discovery Bay bound and stops "22 La Costa (Opposite)" and "Discovery Bay Temporary Bus Terminus" cancelled for Tung Chung bound.[6]
  • 13 February 2023: A new bus stop "No. 41, Seabird Lane" on Discovery Bay Road was added for DB direction.[7]

Service Hours and Headways[]

The latest update is on 1/2019, please refer to the link below for the official route information.

From DB Plaza
Hrs Mins
Mondays to Fridays
06 15, 30, 43, 55
07 05, 15, 25, 30, 35, 45, 55
08 00, 05, 15, 20、30, 40, 50
09 00, 10, 25, 40, 55
10 10, 25, 40
11 - 16 00, 20, 40
17 - 18 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
19 - 20 00, 12, 24, 36, 48
21 - 22 00, 15, 30, 45
23 00, 12, 25, 37, 50
00 05, 20
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
06 15, 35, 55
07 05, 15, 30, 45
08 - 16 00, 15, 30, 45
17 - 18 00, 12, 24, 36, 48
19 - 23 00, 15, 30, 45
00 00, 20
From Sunny Bay
Hrs Mins
Mondays to Fridays
06 40, 55
07 08, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55
08 05, 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50
09 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 55
10 10, 25, 40, 55
11 - 16 10, 30, 50
17 10, 30, 40, 50
18 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
19 00, 10, 20, 30, 42, 54
20 06, 18, 30, 42, 54
21 06, 18, 30, 45
22 - 23 00, 15, 30, 45
00 00, 15, 32, 52
01 12
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
06 40
07 00, 20, 35, 50
08 - 16 00, 15, 30, 45
17 00, 15, 30, 42, 54
18 06, 18, 30, 42, 54
19 06, 18, 30, 45
20 - 22 00, 15, 30, 45
23 00, 15, 32, 52
00 12, 32, 52
01 12

Roads in the Sunny Bay area are occasionally closed at weekends for sports competitions, etc. This route may be suspended due to such closures. [8][9]


Full Fare
Octopus Fare Cash Fare
Resident[10] Visitor
Each $5.1 Template:DB DB03R
Fare Remarks
  • Passengers are required to tender exact fare in cash or by Octopus card upon boarding. No change will be given.
  • Discovery Bay Residents can enjoy fare concessions when paying with their registered "Discovery Bay Resident Octopus Card"; if necessary, passengers must present proof of identification for verification. The concession is not applicable to passengers using other Octopus products or paying in cash.
  • Elderly persons aged 65 or above using Elderly Octopus or Personalised Octopus cards, Hong Kong residents aged 60 to 64 using JoyYou Card and eligible persons with disabilities using Personalised Octopus cards with "Persons with Disabilities Status" to pay fares can enjoy a flat fare of $2.0 per journey under the $2 fare concession. (Except Routes DB02A and DB02R

Bus Deployments[]

Four vehicles are used for this route, mainly Volvo B9TL and MAN A95 12-metre double-decker buses, while MAN NL273 and MAN NL323 single-decker buses may be deployed during mornings.

List of common buses on Route DB03R
Fleet no. Plate no. Model Remarks
DBAY70 VS6034 MAN NL323 Deployed during mornings
DBAY71 XU7064
DBAY82 VR9429
DBAY97 VS9884
DBAY116 XS5084
DBAY117 VU4770
DBAY168 VR8043
DBAY182 VR1696
DBAY183 VR1024
DBAY185 VR1689
DBAY186 VT2743
DBAY195 XR6598
DBAY196 XT5256
DBAY198 VV2879
DBAY199 VR9522
DBAY208 TN7303 Volvo B9TL Main vehicle
DBAY209 TN8184
DBAY210 TP2505
DBAY211 TN9208
DBAY212 TP1192
DBAY213 TP4903
DBAY215 UW6585 MAN A95
DBAY216 UX5874
DBAY217 UW9357
DBAY218 UX6369
DBAY219 WV3579 Crashed
Fixed vehicle
DBAY220 WV3280 Fixed vehicle
DBAY107 YP7226
DBAY120 YP6800
DBAY197 YP8140


To Sunny Bay Station[]

Via: Discovery Bay Road, roundabout, Chianti Public Transport Interchange, roundabout, Discovery Bay Tunnel, Discovery Bay Tunnel Link, Cheung Tung Road and Sunny Bay Road

Discovery Bay Transit Services Route DB03R (DB PlazaSunny Bay Station)
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 Discovery Bay DB Plaza Bus Terminus
2 Discovery Bay Road No. 15, Seabird Lane (opposite)
3 DB International School (opposite)
4 Greenland Court
5 Neo Horizon
6 Chianti Pubic Transport Interchange
Discovery Bay Tunnel
7 Siu Ho Wan Discovery Bay Tunnel Link Discovery Bay Tunnel Toll Plaza
Cheung Tung Road
8 Yam O Sunny Bay Station MTR logo

To DB Plaza[]

Via: Sunny Bay Road, Cheung Tung Road, Discovery Bay Tunnel Link, Discovery Bay Tunnel, roundabout and Discovery Bay Road

Discovery Bay Transit Services Route DB03R (Tung Chung Station Bus TerminusDB Plaza)
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 Yam O Sunny Bay Station MTR logo
Cheung Tung Road
2 Siu Ho Wan Discovery Bay Tunnel Link Discovery Bay Tunnel Toll Plaza
Discovery Bay Tunnel
3 Discovery Bay Discovery Bay Road Siena Two (Joyful Mansion) Section Fare begins
4 Neo Horizon (opposite)
5 Greenland Court (opposite)
6 Parkridge Village
7 No. 41, Seabird Lane
8 No. 15, Seabird Lane
9 DB Plaza Bus Terminus


As this route is quite direct and cheaper than taking ferries, Discovery Bay residents travelling to the urban area via Sunny Bay Station by MTR are very popular with this route, which is often full or even overloaded and buses had been stopped by the Traffic Police from time to time. Since 2009, DBTSL had been studying the feasibility of introducing double-decked buses,[11] and borrowed an Enviro500 12m double-decker bus from NWFB in 2011 for a trial run on the roads in Discovery Bay, which was successful. DBTSL then purchased six Volvo B9TL double-decker buses, which were officially launched on 16 August 2015 on this route, and making it a show-off route.

Related Incidents[]

Traffic accidents[]

  • 13 June 2012: At around 10:00 a.m., a MAN NL273 (DBAY71/NW5707) heading towards Sunny Bay collided head-on with an out-of-control overrun lorry at Cheung Tung Road near Sham Shui Kok Drive. The driver of the lorry was killed and 27 people on the bus were injured. [12][13]
  • 31 August 2023: At about 7:45 a.m., a MAN A95 (DBAY219/WV3579) heading towards Sunny Bay collided with a Toyota Coaster school private light bus which suddenly crossed the lane near Sham Shui Kok on Cheung Tung Road, and then plowed into the wire netting separating the eastbound lane from the North Lantau Highway, while the school bus plowed into the bushes next to the westbound lane, with the front end of the vehicle badly damaged. The front end of the bus was severely damaged. A total of 34 people were injured, three of them seriously. For details, see 2023 two-bus collision on Cheung Tung Road. [14]

Free ride days[]

  • 19 August to 20 August 2017: In response to the "Summerfest @ Discovery Bay" promotion held at Discovery Bay, all trips operated by this route, as well as Routes DB01R and DB03P between 10:00 and 20:00 on these two days were free of passenger fare.[15]


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Related Articles[]

  • DBTSL Route DB03P


  1. Hong Kong Resort International Company Limited, "往來愉景灣及欣澳的巴士服務將於九月十七日正式啟用" (Bus service between Discovery Bay and Sunny Bay to launch on 17 September) [Press Release], 15 September 2005.
  2. Official details of Route DB03R during commencement
  3. DBTSL Passenger Notice: 新設對外線巴士站及四號線巴士總站遷移 (New External Route Bus Stop and Rt. 4 Bus Stop Relocation)
  4. Discovery Bay Transit Services Limited, "Double-decker buses enter service on Route DB03R to Sunny Bay" [Passenger Notice], 12 August 2015.
  5. 臨時巴士路線及站位安排 (Temporary bus route and stopping arrangements), hkitalk.net
  6. Discovery Bay Transit Services Limited, "DB Plaza Bus Terminus and Bus Service Arrangements" [Passenger Notice], 7 January 2020.
  7. Discovery Bay Transit Services Limited, "DB01R & DB03R Additional Bus Stop" [Passenger Notice], 10 Feb 2023.
  8. http://www.dbay.com.hk/icms2/template?series=43&AID=5020
  9. http://web.archive.org/web/20080501103330/http://www.dbay.com.hk/icms2/template?series=43&article=2425
  10. Resident Fares are applicable only to Discovery Bay Resident Octopus Card holders; visitor fare required for cash payment
  11. "DBTSL Volvo B9TL 12m A/C", HKBRIC.
  12. "貨車撞邨巴 司機監生夾死" (Lorry crashed with a resident bus, driver stuck and killed), Oriental Daily News, 14 June 2012
  13. "送菜往愉景灣 扭軚失控越線 貨車撼爆邨巴 1死27傷" (Losing control and crossing lanes while drifting enroute to deliver vegetables to DBAY: Lorry collided head-on with resident bus killing 1 and injuring 27), Apple Daily, 14 June 2012.
  14. 東涌校巴撼巴士剷入草叢 司機被困多人受傷 (School bus crashed with a bus and shovelled into bushes in Tung Chung: Driver stuck and many others injured), Oriental Daily News, 31 Aug 2023.
  15. HKR Company Limited, "愉景灣夏日滿FUN 8月19日及20日之特別安排", August 2017.

External Links[]



Past route information[]

Archived by EBTHK

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