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The Hong Kong Island Urban Bus Route 788 is operated by Citybus. It runs between Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) and Central (Macau Ferry), via Chai Wan East Industrial Area and Wan Chai North, connecting both via the Island Eastern Corridor as an express route.


Summary of changes[]

  • 2 August 1993: CMB Route 788 was launched. Initially, it only provided one-way services from Siu Sai Wan to Central (Wing Wo Street) during morning peak hours on weekdays and from Central (Wing Wo Street) back to Siu Sai Wan during the afternoon peak hours.
  • 1 September 1998: With the end of CMB Franchised Bus Service, the route was directly handed over to Citybus.
  • 19 October 1998: Upgraded to a full-day service, and the Central Terminus was moved to Central (Macau Ferry).
  • 22 July 2001: The Siu Sai Wan Terminus was moved to Island Resort Public Transport Terminus.
  • 14 August 2023: The time period passing through "Fullview Garden" on Siu Sai Wan Road for departures from Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort) would start at 08:12 from Mondays to Saturdays (except public holidays).

Detailed History[]

Historical route information[]

Details of the past service hours and headways, fares and other route information of this route are set out in the "Historical route information" sub-page of this article.

Service Hours and Headways[]

The latest update is on 8/2023, please refer to the link below for the official route information.

From Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort)
Service Hours Headway (Min)
Mondays to Fridays
The following departures will not stop at "Fullview Garden", but will stop at "Admiralty Centre"
05:30 - 06:00 10
06:00 - 06:12 6
06:12 - 06:19 7
The following departures will not stop at Fullview Garden
06:26 - 06:40 7
06:40 - 07:24 6/5
The following departures will not stop at Fullview Garden, Hiu Tsui Street and Old Wan Chai Police Station
07:30 - 07:40 5
07:40 - 08:00 4
08:00 - 08:09 3
The following departures will not stop at Hiu Tsui Street and Old Wan Chai Police Station
08:12 - 08:18 3
08:18 - 08:25 4/3
08:25 - 08:33 4
08:33 - 08:36 3
08:36 - 09:00 4
The following departures resume normal routing
09:06 - 09:26 5
09:26 - 10:14 6
10:14 - 10:30 8
10:30 - 15:00 10
15:00 - 16:00 12
16:00 - 17:00 7/8
17:00 - 17:20 7/6
17:20 - 17:55 5
17:55 - 17:59 4
17:59 - 18:09 5
18:09 - 18:16 7
18:16 - 18:46 10
18:46 - 19:00 14
19:00 - 23:00 15
23:00 - 23:40 20
The following departures will not stop at Fullview Garden, but stops at Admiralty Centre
05:30 - 06:00 10
06:00 - 06:24 8
The following departures will not stop at Fullview Garden
06:32 - 06:40 8
06:40 - 07:01 7
07:01 - 07:25 8
The following departures will not stop at Fullview Garden, Hiu Tsui Street and Old Wan Chai Police Station
07:33 - 07:49 8
07:49 - 08:07 6
The following departures will not stop at Fullview Garden and Old Wan Chai Police Station
08:13 - 08:25 6
08:25 - 08:35 5
08:35 - 08:59 6
The following departures resume normal routing
09:05 - 09:35 6
09:35 - 10:38 7
10:38 - 13:50 8
13:50 - 14:08 9
14:08 - 17:58 10
17:58 - 18:50 13
18:50 - 23:02 12
23:02 - 23:20 18
23:20 - 23:40 20
Sundays and Public Holidays
The following departures stop at Admiralty Centre
05:30 - 06:20 10
The following departures resume normal routing
06:30 - 08:00 10
08:00 - 12:16 8
12:16 - 12:25 9
12:25 - 15:55 10
15:55 - 21:55 12
21:55 - 23:40 15
From Central (Macau Ferry)
Service Hours Headway (Min)
Mondays to Fridays
The following departures omit Hung Hing Road
06:10 - 06:40 15
06:40 - 06:50 10
06:50 - 07:05 8/7
07:05 - 07:17 6
07:17 - 07:22 5
07:22 - 07:36 8/6
07:36 - 08:00 8
08:00 - 08:54 6
The following departures resume normal routing
09:00 - 09:30 7/8
09:30 - 10:00 10
10:00 - 15:00 12
15:00 - 16:00 10
16:00 - 16:24 8
16:24 - 16:37 6/7
16:37 - 16:51 7
16:51 - 17:09 6
17:09 - 17:29 5
17:29 - 17:57 4
17:57 - 18:03 3
18:03 - 18:15 4
18:15 - 19:00 4/5
19:00 - 19:10 5
19:10 - 19:40 6
19:40 - 19:56 8
19:56 - 20:36 10
20:36 - 23:00 12
23:00 - 23:30 15
23:30 - 00:30 20
The following departures omit Hung Hing Road
06:10 - 07:10 15
07:10 - 08:54 8
The following departures resume normal routing
09:02 - 09:50 8
09:50 - 11:30 10
11:30 - 13:45 9
13:45 - 17:25 10
17:25 - 18:25 9/8
18:25 - 23:15 10
23:15 - 23:30 15
23:30 - 00:30 20
Sundays and Public Holidays
06:10 - 08:10 15
08:10 - 14:10 12
14:10 - 22:30 10
22:30 - 23:30 12
23:30 - 00:30 15

Special Departures[]

Siu Sai WanCentral (Macau Ferry)
Mondays to Fridays
08:56, 09:06
No Service on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays
This route provides "Next Bus" Arrival Time Enquiry Service.


Boarding Stop Fare
Full Fare $8.7
Section Fares From Central
From Old Wan Chai Police Station $4.8
Section Fares From Siu Sai Wan
From Chai Wan Industrial City $4.3
Fare Remarks
  • Half-fare for children aged below 12 and senior citizens aged 65 or above; the remainder of the fare after half-fare will be counted as 10 cents.
  • Elderly persons aged 65 or above using Senior Octopus Cards or Personalised Octopus cards, Hong Kong residents aged 60 to 64 using JoyYou Card, and eligible persons with disabilities using Personalised Octopus cards with "Persons with Disabilities Status" can enjoy a flat fare of $2.0 per journey under the $2 Concessionary Fare. If the concessionary fare for eligible persons with disabilities aged below 12 and senior citizens aged 65 or above is less than $2.0 after a 50% discount from the regular fare, the beneficiary is only required to pay the original concessionary fare; if the original full fare for Hong Kong residents aged 60 to 64 or eligible persons with disabilities is already less than $2.0, the beneficiary is also only required to pay the original full fare.
  • Passengers are required to tender exact fare by cash or by Octopus card when boarding. No exact change will be given.
  • Passengers may also use AlipayHK "EasyGo", Alipay, QuickPass, BoC Pay "RideCode", WeChat Pay HK or WeChat "Ride Code", Visa, Mastercard and UnionPay cards with inductive payment capabilities, as well as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Huawei Pay mobile payment platforms for fare payment. Passengers using the above payment method can only enjoy the interchange concessions with other Citybus solely-operated routes or the Citybus departures of the jointly-operated routes, and cannot enjoy the "Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme" nor the "Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities".

Bus-Bus Interchange Discounts[]

Passengers using the same Octopus card to interchange to the designated route after this route within a specific time, or transfer from the designated route to this route can enjoy an interchange concession. The details are as follows: (Half discount for children and senior citizens.) Template:Citybus Route 788 Interchange Discounts

Bus Deployments[]

This route uses 22 double-decker buses; the main buses are the Enviro500/MMC 12M (8128-8490, 8537-8546), Enviro500 MMC 12.8 M (6300 -6459) and Volvo B8L (8806-8845). In addition, the Scania K280UD 12 meters (8900) Sample Car is also a commonly used model.

Bus Deployment Evolution History[]


To Central (Macau Ferry)[]

To Central: The distance of this route is approx. 14.4km, and the journey time is approximately 41mins. (The average speed is 21.1km/h.)

Routing Roads

Normal Routing
Siu Sai Wan Road, Siu Sai Wan Estate Bus Terminus, Siu Sai Wan Road, Chai Wan Road, Wing Tai Road Flyover, Wing Tai Road, Island Eastern Corridor, Victoria Park Road, Gloucester Road, Harcourt Road, Connaught Road Central and Macau Ferry Passage Road

Monday to Saturday morning non-stop at Fullview Garden
  • Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan Road, Siu Sai Wan Bus Terminus, Siu Sai Wan Road, ……
  • Siu Sai Wan Road, Fu Yee Road, Siu Sai Wan Bus Terminus, Siu Sai Wan Road, ……

Everyday during Early Mornings via Admiralty
, Gloucester Road, Harcourt Road, Cotton Tree Road   Branch Road, Lambeth Walk, Chater Road, Jackson Road, and Connaught Road Central.
Citybus Route 788 (Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort)Central (Macau Ferry))
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 Siu Sai Wan Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort)
2 Siu Sai Wan Siu Sai Wan Road Fullview Garden The stop is not available on ② Services
3 Siu Sai Wan Siu Sai Wan Estate Starting Point for Special Departures
4 Siu Sai Wan Siu Sai Wan Road Hiu Tsui Street Not applicable to departures from 07:30 to 09:00 on weekdays
5 Chai Wan Chai Wan Road Fu Shing Court
6 Wing Tai Road Tsui Wan Estate
Route4 Island Eastern Corridor
7 Wan Chai Gloucester Road Old Wan Chai Police Station Start of Section Fare
近Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Not applicable to departures from 07:30 to 09:00 on weekdays
8 Wan Chai Gloucester Road Fenwick Street Near Hong Kong Academy for the Preforming Arts
Admiralty Harcourt Road Admiralty - Admiralty Centre MTR logo Only ③ Services Stop her
Harcourt Road Flyover
9 Central Connaught Road Central Statue Square MTR logo Near The Cenotaph, City Hall, City Gallery
10 Pottinger Street MTR logo MTR logo
11 Jubilee Street MTR logo
12 Wing Wo Street MTR logo
13 Sheung Wan Central (Macau Ferry) MTR logo

To Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort)[]

Routing Road

Normal Routing
The distance of this route is approx. 14.9km, and the journey time is approximately 46mins. (The average speed is 19.4km/h.)
Macau Ferry Passage Road, Connaught Road Central, Rumsey Street, Des Voeux Road Central, Pedder Street, Connaught Road Central, Harcourt Road Flyover #, Harcourt Road, Gloucester Road, Fleming Road, Hung Hing Road, Hung Hing Road Flyover, Gloucester Road, Victoria Park Road, Island Eastern Corridor, Wing Tai Road, Ka Yip Street, Sheung On Street, Chai Wan Road and Siu Sai Wan Road

Non-stop at Wan Chai Ferry Pier from Monday to Saturday Morning
The distance of this route is approx. 14.4km, and the journey time is approximately 46mins. (The average speed is 18.8km/h.)
……, Harcourt Road Flyover, Harcourt Road, Gloucester Road, Victoria Park Road, Island Eastern Corridor, ……
Routing Remarks

#: Depending on traffic conditions, the route may be diverted to Harcourt Road outside Central Government Offices instead of the Harcourt Road flyover.

Citybus Route 788 (Central (Macau Ferry)Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort))
No. Area Road Bus stop name Remarks
1 Sheung Wan Central (Macau Ferry) MTR logo
2 Des Voeux Road Central Rumsey Street MTR logo
3 Central Douglas Street MTR logo MTR logo
4 Connaught Road Central Jardine House MTR logo MTR logo
5 City Hall
Harcourt Road Flyover
6 Wan Chai North Gloucester Road Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts
7 Immigration Tower Near the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
8 Wan Chai North Hung Hing Road Wan Chai Ferry Pier MTR logo Service ② doesn't stop here
Route4 Island Eastern Corridor
9 Chai Wan Wing Tai Road Chai Wan Industrial City Section Fare Begins Here
Near Tsui Wan Estate, Lei Wan Estate, Hong Kong Institute of Higher Education and Technology (Chai Wan School)
10 Sheung On Street Kailey Industrial Centre
11 Chai Wan Road Sheung On Street
12 Siu Sai Wan Siu Sai Wan Road Harmony Garden Near Siu Sai Wan Estate
13 Fu Yee Garden
14 Fullview Garden
15 Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort)


According to District Council documents, the ridership of this route is as follows:

  • 2020: The average occupancy rate in the Central direction during morning peak hours is 80%.


  • 24 June, 2022: In response to the annual free bus tour plan launched by Futubull Securities, passengers on this day can take this route for free on buses covered with Futubull advertisements. The relevant departures are as follows:[1]

Related Incidents[]


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Related Articles[]


External Links[]


Template:List of Eastern District Bus RoutesTemplate:List of Central and Western District Bus Routes
